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Expansion II: Becoming the Whole Medium


Dates: August 3, 2024 - December 14, 2024

Duration: 5 Month Course (20 Weeks)

Day: Saturdays

Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time


This intermediate intensive is designed for those who have completed Foundations I, II, and III, and are gaining confidence in their understanding of the Power and making a link to the spirit world. Once we have a foundational understanding of our connection to spirit, we begin to explore what is possible in our mediumship by pushing the boundaries and discovering what is holding us back from a clearer flow and link with the spirit world. Moreover, the intermediate level of a medium’s development is not just about learning how to better make a link to spirit, but also the personal development and spiritualization of the medium. We do this by discovering how the issues in our mediumship are also reflected in other areas of our lives. By taking a holistic approach to the medium’s spiritual development, we begin to discover that being a medium is far more than just being able to give a message, but truly living a more spiritually minded life. With this in mind, we have created a course which provides more personal attention than the foundations series, as well as an exploration into your personal development. 


Intermediate I and II are each 20 weeks for a total of 40 weeks when both are completed. The courses are divided up into 4 week segments which focus on a specific theme or topic for the month. This theme will serve as a guide for both our mediumistic development as well as our personal development for those 4 weeks. 


In each 4 week segment, there will be one lecture/ Q&A, one exercise session, and one personal assessment session. The last week of each 4 weeks is optional - an exercise session or day off. 



Lectures will be 60-90 minutes which will combine a teaching component and a question and answer component. Each lecture will follow the theme for that month, with one relating the theme to mediumship development, and the other relating the theme to personal development. This is also the time to get any questions answered. 


Exercise Session:

Exercise sessions will be 90 minutes where students will get the opportunity to apply the theme learned in each lecture. Through various exercises and breakout room activities, students will work together to further develop and refine their mediumship and spiritual awareness from that month’s theme. 


Personal Assessment Session:

The Personal Assessment session is unique in that each month, each student will have an opportunity to be assessed in a small group setting by Megan or Michael. These sessions are focused on giving students individualized feedback and attention to move beyond personal blocks in your development. 


Optional Session:

During the last week of each 4-week segment, there will be an optional practice circle that students may attend or choose to take a break. Reflection homework will often be assigned during this week. 


In Intermediate II, the following topics will be covered:


- Specificity

- Trust

- Acceptance/Allowing

- Curiosity

- Love Healing

Expansion II - Fall '24 8/3/24 - 12/14/24

Price Options
ExpII Fall'24Monthly
Expansion II Fall '24 Monthly
$297.00every month for 5 months
One-time purchase
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